This image, pre-photoshop once again, was hand coloured (with diluted Parker ink!) from a 16″ square fibre based print (on Agfa Record Rapid paper, hence the ‘warmth’ of the whites).
The original capture was on Ilford Pan F via a Hasselblad 500cm. As the rules stated that the image had to be taken on a Pentax, I also took a Pentax 6 x 7 camera to the shoot and exposed one roll, but the (cropped) image that won the prize was from a ‘Blad.
Note that the negative was printed through a glass carrier in the enlarger, which gives the ‘rustic’ full frame film-edges.
The Model, Lena, was a photography student at Derby University at the time; the image won the photographer a Pentax camera and the model a pair of Levis jeans and a Denim Jacket!